Why are sizes 44 and above not present on designer racks?

How many times have we asked ourselves this question?
Personally hundreds of times. Is there a single answer? And is it acceptable?
You should know that in France, in fashion schools, we learn to design and make clothes in size 36 and only in size 36... The 40 is already very much out of the norm in these schools... And yet, we could imagine that from school we start to think about all bodies, right? Since beyond 44, modeling is no longer the same at all. What is worked in 2D and in a fairly linear way from 34 to 42, must be worked in 3D with jumps in size from 44. And if no one learns it, how do you expect us to move forward?
This also means that very few modelers know our specificities. Those who are interested in this subject, to which the majority turn a blind eye, have rather atypical backgrounds. They are rare, and therefore difficult to find. They are precious, and we must thank them.
I also learned, while looking for workshops, that they could not all make our sizes. The equipment is not suitable. For example, the cutting tables are not all big enough! This further reduces the possibilities...
We know that what is rare is expensive... So all this has a cost, obviously. And then, we can't lie to ourselves, making in our sizes requires more fabric. So more cost. The cost... This argument so often used by designers...
Except that if we can understand that a young brand cannot invest as much as it would like at the beginning, the "established" brands could expand their size ranges over time. We feel a tremor on this side, but this is not the case for the majority.
Some ready-to-wear saleswomen say that they see customers coming to whom they cannot offer anything, since they do not have any items above size 42. Some have informed the brands they distribute, and have sometimes received surprising, or rather, sickening, feedback: "our clothes are not made for these people"... Could this be the real answer? Would it be shameful for a designer to see his collections worn by women wearing size 54?
Finally, we often hear that these sizes are not manufactured because there is no demand. And yet 40% of French women wear size 44 and above. Do they walk around naked? Do they stay at home to avoid showing themselves? Of course not! Brands just need to understand that by excluding them, these 40% of women no longer even look at what is available, certain that they will not find their size.
These are all the excuses I have heard or read. I have turned them over in my mind, but for me, none of them are acceptable. And for you?
Merci Françoise pour votre commentaire éclairant sur ce qu’il serait possible de faire, comme aux USA, si seulement ici la volonté était présente…
je rentre tout juste des USA où tous les vêtements, y compris de créateurs tels que Calvin Klein ou Vera Wang , vont du XS au 4XL et au même prix . Que ce soit dans des boutiques ( où il y a toujours un rayon Plus) ou dans des supermarchés comme Wallmart ( équivalent à Carrefour ) ou Target ( équivalent des nouvelles galeries ) , on trouve toujours sa taille des sous vêtements aux vêtements de sport ! On dirait qu’en France c’est dégradant de vendre des grandes tailles ! Et souvent les grandes tailles que l’on trouve , ne sont pas de " vraies" grandes tailles car elles sont sous taillées. Donc encore une fois : merci Nathalie
Merci pour toutes ces informations très intéressantes bien que « deconvenantes » quand à la raison de la taille. Il serait temps que toutes ces personnes changent de regard. Et je ne vous raconte même pas les difficultés lorsque l’on est, comme moi, bien ronde et petite !! 🤨 pas facile de s’habiller quand on aime la mode. Merci à vous.
Bonjour et bonne année
Ou pouvons nous voir , toucher , les modèles ?
C’est génial ce que vous faites mais est-ce que vous pensez être accessibles à toutes les bourses ?